Meet Michael

Michael came to the end of his treatment regimen in 2001, fighting off the colon cancer that had tried to killed him. It had failed, but facing down the overwhelming likelihood of death had transformed his priorities.


Receiving massage and bodywork had turned out to be a major piece of the work he did to heal. 

He had always appreciated massage and its ability to make one feel good. But now he wanted to use the power of human connection not just to help someone feel better, but actually to help people become better - fluid, coordinated, comfortable, healthier in their own skins.

He had lost five years to cancer, time to get moving. Michael decided to re-launch his professional trajectory, and nine months after being declared cancer-free, he had become a certified massage
therapist / bodyworker.

In 2002, he cut his teeth doing spa massage and treatments in most of the upscale establishments in the Napa Valley.

He also started up a private practice in both Napa and Marin Counties, offering neuromuscular therapies, including Craniosacral.

By 2006, Michael had been studying and practicing neurologic bodywork for four years, and had become the lead therapist at a neuro rehab clinic in the North Bay.

In 2010, he became a therapist at the highly regarded Psoas Massage & Bodywork in San Francisco, providing both Deep Tissue and NeuroKinetic Therapy.

Over the next ten years, both at Psoas and in his private practice, he treated thousands of clients and wove together the knowledge and experience gained from his practice of neuromuscular, craniosacral, and neurokinetic therapies to create Motor Control Therapy.

Michael also holds a B.A. degree in Psychology (behavioral and physiologic) from Claremont McKenna College.

Some of the conditions that Michael treats often include: chronic neck and upper back problems, whiplash, shoulder and elbow conditions, knee and hip pain, core instability, sciatica, rotator cuff impingements, foot and ankle problems, bunion relief, and much, much more!

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